Posts tagged #scales
Goal Setting Score Card

During this uncertain time of social distancing and having to stay at home, many people have been reporting the same concerns. They are worried about putting on weight, have increased anxiety and tension from the uncertainty of how long this is going to last, financial pressures and feeling depressed.

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Listening to your Intuition

In the era of advanced technology and many health and wellbeing messages we receive multiple times a day, relying on yourself and backing your intuition (gut instinct), for what is good for you takes a back seat to logic and may be internally interpreted as “I’m just being lazy, copping out or not good enough.” Dependent on what that little voice in your head is telling you

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Its almost Christmas time again! With the feeling of magic in the air and a buzz of excitement, there lingering in the back of your mind might also be the feeling of worry or dread. The feeling that you may put on weight over this festive season.

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Hey, I've gained weight!

Why have I suddenly gained weight?

When you jump on those scales every day, it does not consider the following reasons why there might be a slight gain of weight, such as muscle mass, growth, fluid retention, hormones and period cycles for a female. In addition, the result of the scales could cause anxiety, bad moods, a sense of giving up, depression and low self-esteem which is an obsession that is not healthy for anyone.

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