Goal Setting Score Card


During this uncertain time of social distancing and having to stay at home, many people have been reporting the same concerns. They are worried about putting on weight, have increased anxiety and tension from the uncertainty of how long this is going to last, financial pressures and feeling depressed.

We are all in the same boat and have the same kind of feelings of uncertainty. For me it hit in the second week of being in lock down, feeling overwhelmed and scared about how we as a community were going to come back from this. Moreover, others expressed their feelings of unsure how their health and well-being were going to fair when life returns back to what it was.

So this score card, I thought, was a good tool to help you get back on track or help you to remain focused and see the big picture. It is a way to set up goals and help you make them a reality ...

Because its designed to help you track the specific habits and actions that will actually move you towards your goals. And it’s pretty short and sweet which means you are more inclined to create this as a new habit and utilise it often. Thus, taking focused action! In addition, it also gives you a method to determine what is working … and what needs to be scraped and modified to suit your needs. All you need to do is ask yourself: What are the specific things you need to do every day (and week) to move yourself closer towards your goals to live a more fulfilling life?

Let’s call these "Healthy Habits."

Simply write them down on the scorecard (a piece of paper or cardboard)… along with how many times you plan to do them each week. And then, simply check it off your scorecard as you go!

Useful Tip: I do not recommend having more than 5 total items on your list. You only want to put the most important things on here. Also, if you are just getting started with a new habit, only add one habit to your list at a time, until you master it. As it’s all about setting yourself up for success!

Here are some ideas to think about if you need help to get you started.

  • Be mindful for 5 minutes (daily)

  • Eat dinner at the table away from technology (4 days a week)

  • Exercise or move your body (4 days a week for 30+ minutes)

  • Plan your meals and prep them (4 days a week)

  • Go for half an hour walk (daily)

  • Journaling/practicing gratitude (daily)

  • Drink more water (daily)

  • Include more veggies in my diet starting at dinner. (daily)

Keep it simple and make sure it’s realistic. By starting small and building from there you are more inclined to follow it through. Then stick it on your fridge, on the bathroom mirror, or in your wardrobe, wherever really. Somewhere you will see it often to remind you of the path you want to follow.

Sound like a plan? You just need a piece of paper or cardboard and a nice pen or texta. One that you will see in bold as it will stand out.

The more you keep your healthy habits front of mind, the more likely you are to achieve your goals.

Shoot me a quick message and let me know how you go - I always love hearing from you!
Hope this helps out!
Make it a productive day! :)