Nutrient timing and the Glycaemic window.

Have you ever thought or asked;

 “Should I eat before a workout or should I fast?” Or

“What should I be eating before and after a workout?”

Well you are not alone.

These questions are so often asked that there is many research papers surrounding the topics that science calls “Nutrient timing and the Glycaemic window.”


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Extra Virgin Olive Oil and the Mediterranean diet.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil is regarded as the highest grade olive oil processed from the pressing of good quality olives.

For an olive oil to be labelled “Extra Virgin” the International Olive Council (IOC) states it must meet certain chemical criteria and pass tasting benchmarks determined by a sensory panel trained to IOC standards.

Olive oil is the healthiest oil being RICH in monounsaturated fats and contain a wide variety of antioxidants. In addition, Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the main source of fat in the Mediterranean style diet which evidence suggests is good for weight control and heart health.

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0 to 11 km

I was never into running!

In fact the only time I ever remember running was away from my parents when I was in trouble or when I was running late for the train.

I walked in all seven of my cross countries in high school and opted out in any athletics carnivals.

Like I said running was definitely not my thing!

Fast forward time and it’s amazing how you can change as a person.

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Theresa Gray

Are you interested in MACRO’s or just curious? Before we take a look at the world of MACROs how about we decipher what Macro’s mean.

The prefix “Macro” means ‘LARGE’

Macro’s is an abbreviated word for macronutrients which are needed for our bodies in large quantities. They are the nutrients to provide energy (a measurement in calories) for growth, metabolism, repair and other functions within our bodies.

So back to the original question: What are Macros?

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Theresa Gray

Fermentation is making its mark in today’s news being a “Hot topic” in food and nutrition circles.

However, fermentation is not new and has been around for thousands of years.

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Theresa Gray

The definition for eating in moderation is defined as a subjective term, meaning something different to individuals and their perspective. Moderate according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, means recognising reasonable limits and avoiding extremes in behaviour or expression.

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Theresa Gray
How to read a nutritional label

The Nutrition Label!

From all my years working with children and having three children of my own, I know how hard it can be to find a healthy snack.

The nutrition label can be challenging to read! But I can help you read it?

Follow me on this journey where we can decipher it together!

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Theresa Gray