Cycle Syncing
Welcome to Cycle Syncing!
A four-part series on your menstrual cycle of what is happening within your body and how to complement your hormones with diet and exercise.
Cycle syncing!
What is it and how does it affect your period?
Cycle Syncing is a method of syncing your lifestyle of food, nutrition and exercise to your monthly period. It can help you by being more in tune to your body, reduce PMS symptoms, improve libido and even help imbalances, like Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) or irregular periods.
As a woman, nutritionist and someone who loves physical activity, I became interested in cycle syncing as my menstrual cycle has caused me a bit of grief lately. It has taken me on a journey of researching and discovery. Why I feel intense ups and downs every month and how to be kind to myself, listen to what my body is trying to say and then give it what it needs.
My symptoms included extreme mood swings (Perimenopause you can read my blog here) , bloating like I have never experienced before and cramping so much that I was reminded of the effects of after childbirth. In addition, there was vomiting and vertigo and the feeling of “Just let me die today!” mixed in for my pleasure. Not to mention, the hot flushes, waking in a pool of sweat and periods that can last a month. No wonder I felt like I had been through the ringer!
Something had to give and change fast, as I couldn’t keep going on like this. So, I started investigating my hormones, and found out why I felt like I did and how to complement them to my diet and exercise.
As women, we often think we can do everything, or maybe we are told that we can! Raise a family and work full-time. Don’t forget about cleaning the house, cooking the dinner, get the kids to school on time, feed the animals, look great, feel good, have high energy and stay on top of it all. And sometimes we might get it all right and stay on top of it all! But sometimes it can all go to shit.
Like everything in life, all good things must come to an end. And when the energy diminishes and we stop feeling like ourselves, something must be wrong, Right!
Graph of the menstrual cycle
Throughout the ups and downs of a women’s life, our internal hormones each month fluctuate constantly, but we are anything of being just constant. My analogy to this is no different to an air-conditioner unit trying to keep the room temperature at a constant comfortable heat, and how hard that air-conditioner is working. However, once we as women understand our monthly hormones, we can avoid the disruption and chaos it creates within us and begin to take the wheel and maximize our hormonal power.”
Now is cycle syncing starting to sound like a good idea?
Great! So let’s get ready for my four-part series on Cycle Syncing. Each phase will be released once a week.
I’m breaking it down, as there is too much information in one hit. You may also like to follow it depending on where you are in your cycle and best of all it will be easier to remember.
Wonderful then let’s start with the introduction!
Introduction to Cycle Syncing
Your monthly cycle can be compared to the four seasons, Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn, and is a beautiful way to think about it. It’s also a great way to remember it all and where you are at.
In addition, the menstrual cycle biologically has three distinct phases: Follicular, Ovulatory, and Luteal. However, when it comes to cycle syncing, your actual period (menstrual phase) is considered the fourth phase.
Furthermore, every women’s cycle is different, and not textbook. So, when it comes to when you bleed, how much you bleed and how many days between your bleed it may be good idea to keep a diary and record your cycle.
You may like to start this now before you begin the first part next week.
In the meantime, whilst awaiting Part 1 you can read my blog on
Stay tuned for Thursday’s Blog next Week: 1: The Menstrual Flow (Winter)
Until next week.
Bye for now.